recompositions is a video piece i made with sarah bastide. it is a collection of fragments exploring the distance between human, subjective, individual speech and our visual, collective and technological imaginations. the work is a moving collage of documentary photography, interviews and machine-generated videos.
we wanted to offer a dream-like journey between a very specific, recognizable location—sevran-beaudottes—and an abtract landscape, that of digital extrapolations of neural networks, a difficult tension which always shadow the discourses which accompany the project.
more seriously, sevran is one of the city in france with the highest rates of youth unemployment, and one of the highest rates of drug use. i have mixed feelings about the fact that public money was spent on an ephemeral VR installation rather than on other, more essential services. and even if an artwork can provide an escape from a broken system, i'm pretty sure this piece wasn't up to the task.
for instance, they could have given the money directly to the local arts center.