var dots = []; var splashes = []; var links = []; var dot_index = 0; var link_index = 0; var start_time = 0; var timer = 3000; var stars = []; var dot_size = 4; var titleCol = 255; var targetCol = 255; var previousCol = targetCol; var lerpCol = 0; var greetings = ['مرحبا', 'bonjour', 'hello', 'hallo', 'hola', 'হ্যালো', '你好', 'ahoj', 'kamusta', 'Χαίρετε', 'હેલો', 'שלום', 'slav', 'سلام', 'звать', 'hodi', 'வணக்கம்', 'merhaba', 'ہیلو']; function setup(){ var cnv = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); titleCol = color(0, 0, 0); targetCol = color(255, 255, 255); previousCol = titleCol; for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++){ stars[i] = createVector(random(width), random(height)); } frameRate(35); } function update(){ if(millis() - start_time > timer && dots.length < 7){ start_time = millis(); timer *= 1.5; addDot(createVector(random(width*0.3, width*0.7), random(height*0.3, height*0.7)), color(random(100, 255), random(100, 255), random(100, 245)), dot_size); } dots.forEach(function(e, i, a){ e.update(); }); // fill(255); if(links.length > 1000){ // text('removing', 100, 100); links.splice(0, 10); }else if(links.length > 1500){ links.splice(0, 100); }else if(links.length > 2500){ links.splice(0, 200); } if(dots.length > 10) dots.splice(0, 1); } function draw(){ noCursor(); drawBackground(); update(); splashes.forEach(function(e, i, a){ e.display(); }); links.forEach(function(e, i, a){ e.display(); }); dots.forEach(function(e, i, a){ e.display(); }); // debug(); // noFill(); // stroke(100); // ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 3, 3); if(frameRate() < 2){ restart(); } drawTitle(); } function drawTitle(){ noStroke(); fill(titleCol); textSize(20); textAlign(CENTER); text('circle around', width*0.5, height*0.05); titleCol = lerpColor(previousCol, targetCol, lerpCol); if(lerpCol < 1) lerpCol += 0.05; } function restart(){ // dots = []; links = []; // splashes = []; // dots_index = 0; // timer = 3000; // start_time = millis(); // for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++){ // stars[i] = createVector(random(width), random(height)); // } } function debug(){ noStroke(); fill(0, 200, 0); // text(frameRate(), 10, 10); text(dots.length, 10, 10); text(links.length, 10, 30); text(splashes.length, 10, 50); text(frameRate(), 10, 70); } function drawBackground(){ background(0); stroke(255, 10); stars.forEach(function(e, i, a){ push(); translate(e.x, e.y); rotate((i % 2)*HALF_PI); line(-4-(i%3), 0, 4+(i%3), 0); pop(); }); } function addDot(pos, col, size){ if(dots.length < 10){ previousCol = color(red(titleCol), green(titleCol), blue(titleCol)); targetCol = col; lerpCol = 0; var d = new Dot(pos, col, size, dot_index); dots.push(d); for(var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++){ var c = false; dots[i].closeness.push(c); } dot_index++; var s = new Splash(pos, col, dot_index); splashes.push(s); } } function mouseReleased(){ // background(0); addDot(createVector(mouseX, mouseY), color(random(100, 255), random(100, 255), random(100, 255)), dot_size); } var Dot = function(_pos, _col, _rad, _index){ this.index = _index; this.closeness = []; for(var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++){ this.closeness[i] = false; } this.greeting_alpha = 255; this.greeting = greetings[Math.floor(Math.random()*greetings.length)]; this.position = _pos.copy(); this.velocity = createVector(0.2+Math.random(), 0.2+Math.random()); this.acceleration = createVector(0, 0); this.maxForce = 1; this.maxVelocity = 1; this.wander_angle = 0; this.wander_limit = 0.8; this.wander_coeff = 0.2; this.bounce_coeff = 1.5; this.bounce_limit = 5; this.seek_coeff = 0.5; this.seek_limit = 0.3; this.col = color(red(_col), green(_col), blue(_col)); this.connect_alpha = 0; this.rad = _rad; this.inner_alpha = 0; this.max_inner_alpha = 255; this.min_inner_alpha = 0; this.alpha = 0; this.hadChild = false; this.resetChild = 0; this.resetChildTimer = 20000; //wander this.wander; this.wander_change = 0.1; this.resetChild = function(){ this.hadChild = false; } } Dot.prototype.display = function(){ noFill(); stroke(red(this.col), green(this.col), blue(this.col), this.alpha); fill(red(this.col), green(this.col), blue(this.col), this.inner_alpha); push(); translate(this.position.x, this.position.y); ellipse(0, 0, 2+this.rad, 2+this.rad); if(this.greeting_alpha > 0){ textSize(10); noStroke(); fill(red(this.col), green(this.col), blue(this.col), this.greeting_alpha); text(this.greeting, 10, 10); this.greeting_alpha -= 4; } pop(); } Dot.prototype.apply_force= function(f){ this.acceleration.add(f); } = function(target, limit, coeff){ var desired = target.sub(this.position); desired.normalize(); desired.mult(coeff); var steer = this.velocity.sub(desired); steer.limit(limit); this.apply_force(steer); } Dot.prototype.bounce = function(){ var target; if(this.position.x > width*0.9-this.rad) target = createVector(this.bounce_coeff, this.velocity.y); if(this.position.x < width*0.1+this.rad) target = createVector(-this.bounce_coeff, this.velocity.y); if(this.position.y > height*0.9-this.rad) target = createVector(this.velocity.x, this.bounce_coeff); if(this.position.y < height*0.1+this.rad) target = createVector(this.velocity.x, -this.bounce_coeff); if(target != null){ target.normalize(); target.mult(this.bounce_coeff); var steer = this.velocity.sub(target); steer.limit(this.bounce_limit); this.apply_force(steer); } for(var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++){ if(dots[i] != this){ var other = dots[i]; if(this.position.dist(other.position) < (this.rad*0.5 + other.rad*0.5)){ this.velocity.mult(-1); } } } } Dot.prototype.update = function(){ this.bounce(); this.wander(); this.connectOther(); var growing = false; for(var i = 0; i < this.closeness.length; i++){ if(this.closeness[i]) growing = true; } if(growing){ if(this.inner_alpha < this.max_inner_alpha) this.inner_alpha += 7.5; if(this.connect_alpha < 150) this.connect_alpha += 5; }else{ if(this.connect_alpha > 0) this.connect_alpha -= 5; if(this.inner_alpha > this.min_inner_alpha) this.inner_alpha -= 10; } if(this.connect_alpha > 5){ push(); translate(this.position.x, this.position.y); noFill(); strokeWeight(1); rotate(millis()*0.0005); for(var i = 0; i < 360; i+=30){ stroke(red(this.col), green(this.col), blue(this.col), this.connect_alpha*abs(cos(radians(i+millis()*0.01)))); line(cos(radians(i))*this.rad*4, sin(radians(i))*this.rad*4, cos(radians(i))*this.rad*6*abs(cos(i+millis()*0.005)), sin(radians(i))*this.rad*6*abs(cos(i+millis()*0.005))); } pop(); } if(this.hadChild && millis() - this.resetChild > this.resetChildTimer){ this.hadChild = false; this.resetChildTimer *= 1.15; } if(this.alpha < 255) this.alpha += 5; this.velocity.add(this.acceleration); this.velocity.limit(this.maxVelocity); this.position.add(this.velocity); this.acceleration.mult(0); } Dot.prototype.wander = function(){ var wander_radius = height*0.2; var wander_distance = height*0.4; var change = 0.5; //TODO this would work better with a noise function that would be limited to a small cone at the other end of the aim circle? this.wander_angle += random(-change, change); //we aim at a particular direction var wander_aim = this.velocity.copy(); wander_aim.normalize(); wander_aim.mult(wander_distance); wander_aim.add(this.position); var h = this.velocity.heading(); wander_edge = createVector(cos(this.wander_angle+h)*wander_radius*0.5, sin(this.wander_angle+h)*wander_radius*0.5); var target = wander_aim.add(wander_edge);, this.wander_limit, this.wander_coeff); } Dot.prototype.connectOther = function(){ for(var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++){ if(dots[i] != this){ if(this.position.dist(dots[i].position) < width*0.1){ stroke(red(this.col), blue(this.col), green(this.col), 30); // line(this.position.x, this.position.y, dots[i].position.x, dots[i].position.y); if(!this.closeness[i]){ this.closeness[i] = true; } if(frameCount % 2 == 0){ links.push(new Link(this.position, dots[i].position, this.col, link_index)); link_index++; } if(this.position.dist(dots[i].position) < width*0.05 && !this.hadChild && !dots[i].hadChild && dots.length < 30){ addDot(createVector(this.position.x+10, this.position.y+10), color(random(100, 255), random(100, 255), random(100, 255)), dot_size); this.hadChild = true; dots[i].hadChild = true; this.resetChild = millis(); dots[i].resetChild = millis(); } }else{ if(this.closeness[i]) this.closeness[i] = false; } } } } var Link = function(_pos1, _pos2, _col, _i){ this.pos1_max = _pos1.copy(); this.pos2_max = _pos2.copy(); this.pos = createVector((this.pos1_max.x+this.pos2_max.x)*0.5, (this.pos1_max.y+this.pos2_max.y)*0.5); this.pos1 = this.pos.copy(); this.pos2 = this.pos.copy(); this.val = 0; = 0.1; this.col = color(red(_col), blue(_col), green(_col)); this.index = _i; this.alpha = 30; } Link.prototype.display = function(){ stroke(red(this.col), blue(this.col), green(this.col), this.alpha); line(this.pos1.x, this.pos1.y, this.pos2.x, this.pos2.y); this.alpha -= 0.05; if(this.alpha < 0) links.splice(this.index, 1); if(this.val < 1){ this.val +=; this.pos1 = p5.Vector.lerp(this.pos, this.pos1_max, this.val); this.pos2 = p5.Vector.lerp(this.pos, this.pos2_max, this.val); } } var Splash = function(_pos, _col, _index){ this.index = _index; this.position = _pos; this.col = _col; this.rad = 0; this.alpha = 140; this.inner_rad_coeff = random(0.5, 0.85); this.ray_num = parseInt(random(30, 60)); } Splash.prototype.display = function(){ push(); translate(this.position.x, this.position.y); noStroke(); fill(red(this.col), green(this.col), blue(this.col), this.alpha*1); stroke(red(this.col), green(this.col), blue(this.col), this.alpha); noFill(); for(var i = 0; i < TWO_PI; i+=TWO_PI/this.ray_num){ ellipse(sin(this.rad*0.01+i)*this.rad*0.5, cos(this.rad*0.01+i)*this.rad*0.5, 1, 1); line(0, 0, sin(this.rad*0.01+i)*this.rad*0.5*this.inner_rad_coeff, cos(this.rad*0.01+i)*this.rad*0.5*this.inner_rad_coeff); } pop(); this.rad+=4; this.alpha-= 1.0; if(this.alpha < 0) splashes.splice(0, 1); }